Name: Elias Matthew Clarke
Birthday: July 28th, 2010
Time: 11:11am
Weight: 9 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 19 and 1/2 inches
Hospital: Crouse Irving Memorial, Syracuse, NY

Babies make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Almost a week has passed since our appointment in Syracuse and our amniocentesis. That means that they could call any day with results.

I had a dream a couple of nights ago that our baby boy was born with curly, light hair, a tiny, beautiful face, perfect miniature hands, fingers, feet, and toes, and a rather unsightly omphalocele. In my dream, they repaired the O and I had him in my arms within hours after birth. And he was fine.

Every time I think about getting the results back, my heart just drops right out of my chest and into the pit of my stomach. I feel heat rising up through my body and filling my head until it presses outwardly on my skull. I get nauseous and dizzy. But that being said, it is getting easier to deal with all of this. The more time I have to think about all of the different scenarios, all of the various outcomes, the consequences - the more comfortable I become with it all. I know it sounds crazy.

My greatest fear is that the results are inconclusive, which could happen. It's amazing how we never want to hear bad news and yet in these circumstances, we'll take bad news over no news at all. This is why I hated my Medieval Philosophy course in college. Trying to figure out the truth from a list of unknowns was frustrating, agonizing.

So today is another day. It's sunny and warm. I will get outside (at some point) and enjoy it while it lasts.


  1. You knew when you were pregnant even before the test read positive, you knew you were carrying a boy, hold on to the dream..... I'm betting you know now too!! Love you

  2. Hey Karen and Eudes, I'm thinking about you and your family. Hugs and love to every one--we are here for you, always, no matter what. Your strength in being able to talk about this is great, and a great sign for how you will face what comes.
